How Are Plan Documents Kept Current?

How Are Plan Documents Kept Current? Understanding how to keep Plan Documents current The Plan Document must be maintained (kept current). There are two pieces to this requirement. 1. The IRS requires that Plan Documents be periodically “restated” to...

Housing Allowance When You Change Employers

Housing-allowance-when-you-change-employers Housing-allowance-when-you-change-employers What you need to know when you change employers When an employee leaves an organization, it is common practice for their retirement account to be transferred out of the retirement...

Housing Allowance Requirements

Housing Allowance Requirements Housing Allowance Requirements Are you eligible for Housing Allowance? You must be an ordained, licensed, or commissioned minister.  Each year, you need to provide Envoy with a Housing Allowance Authorization letter from your...

Housing Allowance Reporting and Forms

Housing-allowance-reporting-and-forms Reporting & Forms Reporting At tax time, you will get a 1099-R that shows the gross amount of your distribution in Box 1 and the Taxable Amount of the distribution in Box 2a.​ Forms Notification of Housing Allowance (Word...