Will Plan Document Restatements Impact Your Current Plan Design? Understanding Plan Document Restatements Every effort is made to dovetail your organization’s current 403(b) plan design into the Pre-Approved Prototype Plan Document. However, Envoy’s Pre-Approved...
Why are the Envoy Financial Service Agreements Being Restated in 2018? Summarize your article content to let people quickly see if their answer is here, and to help search engines find it too. As a retirement plan provider, Envoy Financial’s support companies include...
Where Does the Plan Sponsor Keep the Plan Document? Understanding how to keep your Plan Document The Plan Sponsor of an ERISA retirement plan is required to keep an up-to-date Plan Document on file in the principal office of the Plan Administrator. If your retirement...
What Service Agreements Need to be Signed by the Plan Administrator? Summarize your article content to let people quickly see if their answer is here, and to help search engines find it too. Your retirement plan’s Plan Administrator will need to review, sign and date:...
What Plan Documents Need to be Signed by a Plan Administrator? Signing the Adoption Agreement Your organization’s Plan Administrator will need to review and sign the Plan Document set Adoption Agreement. You will need to provide the updated Summary Plan Description...